Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Time for Part II!  Here are my other high points in 2011 (and they are really good!):

5)  I got to take some trips alone!

When I put it that way, it sounds kind of lonesome, but I was with good people once I arrived (:  So, I did something that was a big deal for this new mama- I went to Denver!!!  Many many months before weaning Felicity, I booked plane tickets to visit one of my very best friends, Nicole, in Denver.  I knew that if I waited, I would keep putting it off (leaving your baby for the first time is hard to do!) so I just went ahead and did it!  This was also good motivation for me to wean Felicity.  I wanted to wean Felicity sometime around the time she turned 1, so I allowed myself 4 months after her birthday to give plenty of time for everyone to transition.  It worked out perfectly!  Plus, I planned the trip over Daniel's 4-day weekend, so they got some good bonding time in.

Visiting Nicole was the perfect first trip away from Felicity.  From the beginning, Nicole was so supportive.  She knew that being away from Felicity for the first time EVER might be difficult for me, so she made sure I was doing okay and made sure I got plenty of time for Skyping and talking with my family!  She especially went above and beyond in just putting up with me....and the big pink cast I had on my ankle.  I had to get the cast the day before leaving for Denver!  Ugh!  It wasn't because of a broken bone but instead another non-surgical attempt to heal me of plantar fasciitis.  This, of course, cut down considerably on our outdoor adventures but Nicole rolled with it and found other fun things for us to do.  We did lots of good eating, exploring the city, seeing (and attempting to hike up!) the mountains, going to Whole Foods, antiquing, and what we do best- talking!  Here are some pics of our adventures:

Nicole looking posh in her scarf from the antique store.  I got one too but don't have a picture of myself wearing it!

Too bad we didn't actually hike...it was fun anyways though!


We worked really hard to find good ice cream, so once we found it we had to get a lot!

Words can't express how thankful I am to Nicole and Marc for welcoming me into their home for a few days.  They were so kind and thoughtful and just so...them!  And I love that!  I can't wait till I can go back again!

The other trip I took by myself was to the Christ Church Women's Retreat at Cohutta Springs.  I decided at the last minute to go and Daniel's parents were kind enough to come down for the weekend to watch Felicity while Daniel worked.  It was really good for me to get some down time to myself and to get to know several women in the church much better than I did before.  Thanks to everyone who made it possible!  Sadly, I didn't take any pictures so I've got nothin!

I'm also glad that Felicity and I got to go with G-Paw and Aunt Kristin to the Rover Rally!  This is something I always look forward to and I loved being able to bring Felicity for the first time since she came in my belly 2 years ago.  Being in a cabin in the mountains is one of the things I love most and I'm so thankful I got to experience that again this year.  You can read Kristin's blog about the post here.

And finally, last but definitely not least in 2011.....

6)  We found out that I'm pregnant!!!!!!!!! 

This calls for lots and lots of exclamation points!  In early October we found that we're expecting our second little one!  We are SO stoked!  This situation has been nothing short of amazing, though I'm not sure if I feel like sharing details for the whole world to see (sorry to leave you wondering, but I'll be sure to post if I change my mind).  Just know that this experience has been probably one of the sweetest, most precious experiences of my life and I am so thankful to be blessed with another baby in my belly.  

I am currently 15 weeks and my due date is July 2.  Compared to many women I know, this pregnancy so far has been a breeze, though it has been more difficult than my first.  I've experienced some discomfort in my gallbladder that I've had to regulate with some diet and lifestyle changes, but again, it could be much worse!  The nausea has been worse than the first pregnancy but considering I've only thrown up once, I'd say I have it pretty good!  Just like I'd been told many times before, being pregnant with the second is very different in that it seems you have less time to think about what's going on- it just happens!  These 3+ months have flown by and it's hard for me to accept the fact that in less than 6 months I'll have 2 children to love on and care for!  If you think of it, please pray for this little one and for me and my family throughout the pregnancy and as we adjust to life as a family of 4.  We'd very much appreciate it! 

So far we only have one picture of this precious baby.  This was taken almost 9 weeks ago so I know that much has changed since then!

Well those are some of my greatest adventures and moments of 2011.  The year did not disappoint!  I am thankful for being so blessed for such great experiences and for wonderful family and friends.  Here's to another great year!


  1. Yayyyy!!! 1) I love that I made the post - it was so wonderful for you to visit! 2) I love the pictures of your new little nugget! I can't wait to see the new addition - I have a feeling there's a little boy growing in there...but that's just how I feel today =) So excited for you and Daniel and Felicity to be a big sister! Congrats!!!

  2. Yay! So glad to read your blog today!
