Tuesday, January 17, 2012

It's Picture Time!

During my first pregnancy, I started taking pictures of my (then non-existent) belly the day I found out I was pregnant.  I took a picture every other week throughout the whole pregnancy with few exceptions.  This time around, I kept saying that I would do just that but I'd always think to get a picture when I was walking around in sweatpants and no makeup, or when Daniel wasn't home, or when I was out, etc. etc.  So it took me until I was 15 weeks to actually get a snapshot of my belly.  And, just because I know I'll forget down the road, I need to make a note that this time around my belly totally started looking bigger 2 days after I found out I was pregnant.  Seriously!  It wasn't huge, and nobody but Daniel and I could tell, but it definitely started growing early on.  They aren't lying when they say that happens the second time around!

Hey little baby!

Posting this is probably a little redundant, but I think it looks much bigger close-up and with the flash on!

Me and baby!

As of my last weight check, I had only lost weight (1 lb.), but that is just what happened when little Felicity was in my belly.  I have found it interesting though how last time I felt so uncomfortable with my changing body.  It's like I looked forward to looking pregnant, but I felt early on like the rest of my body was getting chubby and bloated and I was quite self-conscious about it.  I don't know if it's that I'm smaller going into this pregnancy or that I've already experienced pregnancy before, but I feel SO comfortable with knowing that I'm growing and will soon be putting on weight.  I am embracing it and I love it!  And, just to clear up any confusion- you can indeed have a growing belly without putting on weight!  I need to and do wear maternity pants all the time now, and they fit well, but I still haven't gained weight.  Don't ask me how that happens, it just does.  I've had friends ask about that before, so I just say that to let you know that somehow it can happen.

Oh and as far as gaining weight goes, I got my weekly babycenter.com e-mail yesterday.  The e-mail contained a suggestion for 16-weekers to eat a milkshake every day if they are having trouble putting on weight!  I read it 3 times just to be sure I read it right, and then immediately e-mailed Daniel to tell him the good news!  We both found this so funny because every other reliable source we've read says that if you haven't gained weight, make sure to do it with lean protein, low-fat milk, etc.  Basically, they always say to keep eating healthy foods but just eat more of them!  I was pretty excited about the milkshake idea though I really probably won't give it a try simply because ice cream and milkshakes aren't on my list of cravings right now.  Either way, I thought that quite funny and consider it music to a pregnant woman's ears!

I'll throw in another picture just for fun.  Felicity and I made chocolate chip cookies for friends the other day!    This girl is such a sweet little helper and I love that she is at a good age to start helping me to cook and bake.

Stirring in some chocolate chips!

Oh and I can't resist- one more!  Felicity began going to Mother's Morning Out once a week last Tuesday.  She loved it!  I seriously enjoyed being able to clean the floors (while blasting music on Pandora!) and do a few other things without keeping her entertained or worrying about waking her up.  I missed her SO much though and could hardly wait to pick her up after lunch.  Daniel was off for lunch when it came time to get her, so we both went to get her.  I forgot to get a picture that morning, so she and Daddy posed once we all got home.

Sorry for the blur!

The sweet girl is now awake from her nap!  Time to give her a big hug and get busy playing!

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