Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Baby Time?

Yesterday morning, I came across this:

"There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven-
A time to give birth and a time to die..." Ecclesiastes 3:1 and 2

...and it could not have been put in my life at a better time. I had been having mildly painful contractions all weekend and kept thinking that labor would start any day now! Before my ob appointment yesterday afternoon, I kept envisioning that I'd go to the appointment and the doctor would send me to the hospital to be induced or tell me that labor was quickly approaching! But, once I read this scripture, I thought, "Oh yeah, I don't want labor to happen when I want it; I want it in God's perfect timing. And He knows when Felicity will be born and every little thing that will happen in between now and then. I don't want her to be born any other time than the time God has chosen for her!" And this mindset, my friends, is so much more enjoyable than trying to figure out exactly when she will come (:

So, since you all are probably wondering what the ob did actually say yesterday, I'll tell you: I was barely dilated a centimeter (you must be 10 cm before the you can start pushing) and he expects to see me at my scheduled appointment next week, as opposed to seeing me in the maternity ward at Northside in between now and then. So, although little Felicity Mae might decide to come in between now and then, for now I am going to squeeze in as many dates with my hubby, cuddles with Sully, naps and lazy mornings, long walks in the Spring sun, visits with friends, and other fun things as I can. Till next time, love y'all (:


  1. LOVE THIS!! so glad He sent patience your way! i hope your last week (!!!!) as a "single couple" is fabulous. i love you guys!!

  2. although... going into labor thursday night would be most fabulous timing for the aunt.
    ha, jk.
    she'll come at the PERFECT time!
    so excited it's nearing! WOO!
