Monday, December 13, 2010

No More Card Curmudgeon

Merry Christmas, loved ones! First, let me apologize for the ugliness of my blog! I don't know what has happened to it, but I do hope to soon transform it so that it will be more aesthetically pleasing.

Now that the disclaimer has been stated, I want to talk about spreading some holiday cheer! I have been learning a lot about giving and receiving lately, and how I have been so ungracious in these areas in the past. I am hoping to have time to post those thoughts soon. But for now, I want to talk about how I'd like to spread some holiday cheer this year!

I have never sent Christmas cards before.

(Kirby of Christmas past)

Seriously! In my 4+ years of marriage and post-graduation, I just haven't done it! I used to send them to the volunteers under my management in my former job, and that seemed to keep me plenty busy. I have trouble sending out cards without writing long personalized messages on them, and the thought of doing that for all of my friends and family seemed so daunting. I have actually begun writing Christmas letters in the past, but never completed them! The truth is, I have even judged Christmas card senders in the past. I thought Christmas cards with family photos on the front seemed to be a way of flaunting what you've got. I am truly sorry for that. I was wrong. Despite my judgmental attitude, I was still always so excited to receive them in the mail! I love mail, I love pictures, and I love seeing how my friends are doing!

I am now convinced that sending Christmas cards is a great way to tell others that you think of and care about them and it is a great way of showing your appreciation for the blessings in your life (hence the family photos on the front!). So, that is why I have given in. It also really helps that I have found a great deal on Shutterfly. Since I am writing about them on my blog, I get 50 free Christmas cards. Hooray!

I have already received 2 Shutterfly cards in the mail and I love them! (Thanks, friends!) They are currently hanging above my kitchen table (: The cards are tasteful, simple, well designed and perfectly colorful. In other words, they look fantastic! And, in about 4 months when my little one turns a year old, Daniel and I are hoping to create a photo book on Shutterfly of Felicity's first year I can hardly wait. Really, I so wanted to make it and give it as Christmas gifts, but decided to wait until we had a year's worth of pictures. And, Daniel is pretty excited about making one of these to decorate our house, whenever we buy one!

So, hopefully, if I can get busy addressing and such you will be getting something like this in the mail soon. And if you don't, know that 1) it's only because I didn't do this sooner and 2) the Clelands are wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

With much love,
Kirby Lynn


  1. Girl, what happened to your background? I am glad I found the linky to comment! We need to get together soon for lunch! Let me know if any day works for you.

    BTW I am passing on the Stylish Blogger Award to you! You're still stylish without a background :)
