Monday, February 13, 2012

Caring for Felicity, Caring for Ourselves

Helping Felicity through the grief process has been one of my top priorities lately.  She was her usual self for a few days after finding out that her little sibling would no longer be coming into the world, but it was obvious that things were not right in her world after that.  Two year olds don't have an understanding of death, but I know that she knows that Mommy and Daddy are sad and that her schedule has changed over the past week or so.  We've worked hard on getting her normal schedule and routine (mostly) back, but she is still being incredibly fussy and clingy and I can't blame her for that; I am doing the exact same thing!  I've been looking up resources so that I can help her to cope, but haven't ordered any of the books I've looked at yet.  I was so glad to find an article on today that gave me some clear direction for helping our Little Girl.  I've put the link for the article below so that our family and close friends can read it and better understand the decisions we've been making for Felicity lately:

And, while it's easy to put our own feelings on the backburner, don't think that Daniel and I have put our needs aside.  Well, at least we're trying not to do that.  Tonight I think I am going to a support group that Northside Hospital offers for people who've lost a child in situations similar to ours.  I am afraid to commit (as I am with most things!), but have made plans to attend.  Though my parents offered to babysit, Daniel is going to stay home with Felicity so that they can have some much-needed quality time together.  With all of the fussiness we've experienced lately, it's been hard for them to have good time together.  Honestly, I don't like being away from them right now but I pray that our time apart tonight will be good for each of our hearts.

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