Wednesday, November 3, 2010

October Recap

October was a busy month for us, and we are very glad for that! It has taken us a while to get into a somewhat normal lifestyle since the our sweet little girl was born, so we decided to be very intentional about getting out of the house and having some family (and Mommy and Daddy!) time. Here are some of the things we've been up to:

Mountain Day! Daniel ran the 5k at Berry early in the morning and then Felicity and I attended a reunion with my Bible study ladies. Then it was off to the mountain for food, the Grand March, and reconnecting with old friends. This is always one of the best days of the year for us! It is such a great way to begin Fall!

We had some visitors this month, including the Clelands, our pastor and his wife, and G-Paw. Here is "Aunta" with her favorite little niece.

More time for Mommy and Daddy! My sweet husband made a date schedule for us through the month of January, so I could plan for babysitters in advance. We go on one "nice date" (like a show or nice restaurant) a month, one regular date a month (like dinner then to the park or coffee shop), and have a date night in on the weeks we don't go out. It is working out very well, thanks to our kind babysitters and the planning we do ahead of time! I'm so thankful for this special time with my man.

We've also been having more "us time" at night since Felicity now sleeps from about 7:30 p.m. until 6:30 or 7 a.m.! We like to do goofy things when the baby's in bed (see above!) (:

Corn Maze and Fall fun with the Newmans! We love every bit of time we get with my sister, Katie and her family, especially when they are super busy during marching season. We "met in the middle" since they live about 2 hours away in Colbert, GA and went to a Corn Maze. We loved bundling the kids up and getting to celebrate Fall with some of our favorite people!
This is Sully's new friend, Scruffy.
Oh wait, that's Felicity hiding in that dog costume! Thanks Aunta! I had grand plans to make a monster costume, but as it was getting down to crunch time and I couldn't find the sort of outfit I was planning to sew on (bad grammar I know!), Anna called just in the nick of time to let me know she had found this super cute costume on sale! It arrived on our doorstep the next day! It was a hit!

And finally, here's me and the cutie having fun cuddling in the rocking chair while Daniel and Sully greeted trick-or-treaters and handed out candy.

Halloween weekend was extra enjoyable for me because I finally got to meet a lot of Daniel's clients, who also happen to be our neighbors! We attended a walk/run benefitting the Briarcliff Animal Foundation and also a neighborhood Halloween party. After getting to know some neighbors, I love this neighborhood even more than I did before. I so love the diversity and the small-town feel. Egan Park is a great place to live!

And of course we've been up to the day-to-day stuff...Felicity and I both continue physical therapy. Her for her neck (torticollis) and me for back pain. Though she was looking like she might need a collar to help her to heal, her last appointment went great and the PT noticed that she is getting much stronger on her left side. Thanks for all of your prayers and encouragement! I had some relief from pain during October, but some days I was in a lot of pain. However, I visited my friend Janna the other day and she definitely helped a lot! She is an integrated massage therapist and she is surely gifted at what she does. Thankfully, I will be able to do aquatic therapy on my own without the PT in the near future. This will cost less and take less time since I will be able to go to a pool in Forest Park instead of going to Buckhead. As always, things are falling into place just as they should (:

I hope you each had a great October and that as the holiday season approaches, you feel peace (and not anxiety!)

Kirby (:

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