Tuesday, September 28, 2010

'Bout Time!

Felicity and I after church in mid-September
Felicity on her Daddy's lap wearing her monster hat for the first time. I'm thinking that might become part of her Halloween costume?!

Oh my gosh I am blogging! I am seriously as shocked as my few sweet followers are. I know that I am not the blogging type; I can no longer pretend that it is my sort of "thing". However, just a few minutes ago, while sitting in the quiet on the couch next to Sully, I suddenly got the desire to blog again. I better do it while I'm feelin' it! And this really shouldn't be long...it's past my bedtime and I've got a busy day ahead of me tomorrow!

Just the other day, I was at a friend's house and she told me that she keeps a blog and then prints it out into a hardcover book, so now she has books detailing the growth of her children and happenings of her family. What a fabulous idea! I don't know if I will do that, but I will write about Felicity because I know that years down the road I will not remember what this sweet baby is like at this moment. So, here is some insight into this precious little girl called Felicity:

Felicity is about one week short of being 6 months old. This really blows me away, but I have actually gotten used to constantly be amazed by how quickly she grows and how fast time flies. No wonder parents always say, "They grow up too fast!" About a week and a half ago, I allowed F to gnaw (is that how you spell that?!) on my finger to ease her pain caused by teething. She has been gnawing and drooling for months but still saw no teeth. When she was chewing on me, I felt something sharp! It was a tooth! One had finally popped out! I was so excited because 1)this is such a big milestone and 2)that explained her fussiness for the past few days! Growing a tooth isn't easy! Just a few days ago, we saw tooth number two show up right next to it- two little bottom teeth! When I pull her lip down to look at them, she puts her tongue over them so I can't see them, so I have to catch glimpses when she's smiling really big (which she's been doing a lot lately!)

Felicity experienced her coldest weather yet this morning. Not like it was THAT cold, but it was colder than anything she's felt (maybe in the 50s?). I bundled her up in a blanket, a jacket from her Gran and a hat made by Kathryn Neidhardt and she enjoyed looking around the neighborhood as she always does when we go on walks.

Felicity now eats 4 times a day, which makes for a pretty easy schedule for us! She has always been a champion eater, except when reflux kept her from it! But that's some good news too- she hasn't take her medicine for reflux in 5 days! She spit up twice but that was only because she was really worked up before eating. I think she has grown out of reflux! And as far as feedings go, be encouraged new moms! One day your sweet baby will go many hours in between feedings and you can do lots of fun things in between feedings!

Felicity loves to pet Sully. She is always reaching out to him when he is nearby. The trouble is that when she pets Sully, she often grabs a chunk of his skin and pulls on it. That's when I gently pry her away from him while telling Sully again and again that's he's a very good dog. And then he gets a treat! So, he's happy in the end! But really, he has done GREAT with Felicity. For his sake though, we are working on gently petting Sully (:

One of my favorite things to do is to go into Felicity's room, not long after she's woken up from a nap while she's just kind of looking around the room, and crawl on my knees just below the level of her mattress. Then I pop my head up into her sight and surprise her! Then she smiles/laughs and I laugh and then we do it again and again! It's SO fun! I really think I might have more fun than she does!

I really could go on and on about the changes she's going through and the thoughts that run through this new mom's head. But, like I said, I should go to bed and keep this at a more desirable length for my readers (: Writing this has been fun, and who knows....maybe I'll feel inspired again soon?!

Love to you all!

P.S. Despite the fact that I try to disperse pictures throughout my blog, they always just show up at the top...sorry about that!


  1. Burger! I was just talking to Emily Geyer last night about how you needed to blog again! Also, I can help you disperse your pictures throughout your blog when I see you this weekend. :) That's what sisters are for, right? I help you blog, you find me a trench coat.

  2. Tehehe! You know we do live very close to H&M...! Thanks sis. I'm not crazy...I know spreading the pictures out should be very simple but it just doesn't work like it should. Not my fault (:
